Why does South Africa have a proportional representative(PR) system? 

Roshan Jainath | Author

The PR system is among the most progressive in the world. It seeks to give representivity  to designated groups. This   concept enables inclusivity.  Should we forsake a system which the constitution permits and promotes? Should we abuse such a system from its intended purpose?  

Whilst all parties in SA will  produce a list of candidates it is the ANC which has traditionally used the positions on the PR list as a tool of patronage for specific factions. 

Every party accounts for its strategy. Every party accounts for its own demise. The arrogance of the ANC & DA was largely in evidence in the recent local government elections. Both parties suffered enormous electoral losses.

If the ANC wants to reconnect with communities and build communities, together then they need to listen to the  voters. They cannot afford to embrace democratic centralism to a point of arrogance. 

In a model of measured balance the ANC could very well utilize a hybrid bottom up and centralized model of decision making.

Humility and shared values based on our Constitution must be the foundation of any engagement around elected and PR representatives.

We cannot afford to have any discussion outside the parameters of our constitutional democracy.

What does this say about national identity as a voter mindset? Should South Africans discard the concept of race in how it votes. Yes it must move beyond race. The methodology will be to have an inclusive PR electoral system so that all parties could aspire towards non racialism. 

This is very critical in a country's ability to develop a patriotic South African voter. Is PR system  based on race an antithesis of democracy in a unitary state.

Patriotism is achievable. Equally said the  love for one's cultural and tribal heritage may inform the love for a country that is unified in diversity. 

Many people are extremely proud of how diverse groups co-exist in South Africa. The offside scenario of expressing one's diversity is the agenda of self rule by certain groupings in SA. The balance has to be diversity within a unitary state.

PR is the expression of the ANC's desire to build communities together as a means to renew itself. 
They cannot afford to undermine the inclusivity inherent in a PR electoral model and expect to build communities together. 

One cannot use the tools of factionalism and expect a different result from a divided and broken ANC.

Let all parties learn from the mistakes of the ANC.

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